The Sterling Net Point Power Rankings™
(Thru NFL Conference Championships (23_24)

I believe it's instructive for people to understand that this the Sterling net Point Power Rankings™) is a study. After all the former players and coaches gave their expert opinion, the show moderator would close out with some cool stat and many times it was a differential. So I began to track the important differentials and take it one step further where we extract what we call the Bias. It's the Net point differential between two competing teams. The team with the greater net points would be favored and we call that number the 'Bias'. 
Recently, I was toying with how to calculate a teams recent momentum into the Net Point Rankings. These are the standard rankings 1 through 32.We use averages to account for the Bye week.

There are many who see the Kansas City Chiefs as the favorite to win SBLVIII although the oddsmakers are favoring the San Francisco Forty Niners. I wanted to account for the recency Bias so I averaged in the last three weeks stats into the season stats just to see what happens. Take a look. The difference is stunning.

Here we have the Bias+ which takes into account Average Turnover Differential. The number you see represents the normal season averages as depicted in the first set of rankings. If you are analysing the game keep in mind the second set of stats. Enjoy the game.


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The Sterling Net Point Power Rankings™